School Hours

8.50 - 3.00 pm 

(Mon - Fri)

Office Hours 

8.15 - 3.45 pm 

(Mon - Fri)

Term 3 

Monday 22 July - Friday 27 September


School Events

Email, call or drop in to our office and we will be happy to help 

Our newsletters come out every fortnight via email

Please call us and let us know if your child is away from school

Nau mai, Haere mai ki tō tātou kura! 

Welcome to our school


Kia ora, Salaam and Bula to you all.

I am Rukshana Khan, originally from Fiji and have lived in New Zealand for 16 years. I have 20 years of teaching experience, am married with three wonderful children (all grown up), a cat lover and enjoy sports. I am passionate about teaching and care for the well being and success of tamariki. I am eager and excited to work with you and your child. Please feel free to contact me via email; [email protected] or seesaw. 

Ngā mihi nui, wasalaam and vinaka

Rukshana Khan , Rūma 4, Year 2 (Team Leader)

My name is Kelli Scott and I will be teachingh Year 2 in Room 5 this year. I am from Christchurch, New Zealand and have taught not only in New Zealand but overseas. I am passionate about teaching and learning and find it both enjoyable and satisfying supporting our tamariki through their learning journey. As well as education my interestes evolve in travel, sport and music. Please feel free to contact me via email: [email protected] or seesaw for Rūma 5

Kia ora, I am Hana Patchigalla, an experienced Year 2 teacher in Room 7.m I am from India and have taught in New Zealand schools for over 20 years. As an educator, my passion lies in empowering students to reach their full potential and exceed their expectations. I strive to create a holistic learning environment that fosters student achievment and inspires students to be their best selves. I am a firm believer in instilling a lifelong love of learning in my students by making learning fun and engaging. Beyond the classroom, I enjoy gardening, painting and long walks. I am excited to be your child's teacher and welcome you to visit us in room 7 anytime

Ni Sa Bula!

I hope you're excited as I am to embark on this incredible learning journey together. My name is Dayawanti Reddy and I am absolutely thrilled to be a teacher in Room 3 this year. I hail from the beautiful island of Fiji. With passion for education and a commitment to success, I am here to guide, support, and inspire children every step of the way. Get ready for engaging lessons, thought-provoking discussiona, and a whole lot of fun as we explore the fascinating world of teaching and learning. Together, we will unlock your child’s potential, discover new horizons, and make this a year to remember. Buckle up, because the adventure starts now! Feel free to be in contact with me on professional matters at [email protected]

Bula and namaste, I am Sonam Chand, Year 2 teacher in Room 8. 

I am from the beautiful Island of Fiji. I moved to New Zealand last year in August. I have taught in Primary Schools in Fiji for 14 years. This is my first year of teaching in New Zealand. I am thrilled to be part of Papatoetoe South School. As an educator, I believe that all tamariki have the potential to succeed and I believe in empowering them to achieve their potential. I am married and have 2 kids. I enjoy travelling, reading and relaxing at the beach. Please feel free to contact me via email: [email protected]

Kia ora, Talofa lava, Greetings to you! 

I am Tinei Leniu. I was born and raised in South Auckland. My parents are originally from Samoa. My late Father, was an ali’i matai (high Samoan chief) who was filled with so much knowledge about the Samoan aganu’u (Samoan customs and traditions). He taught me how to speak, read and write in Samoan. You could say that he was my very first teacher.  He always encouraged me to strive for excellence. As a teacher, I believe that every student has the potential to succeed. My aim is to create a passion for learning in my students and support and guide them towards success and achieving at their highest. Working with children has always been my passion and I am excited to be working with your tamariki in Ruma 1 this year. My email is [email protected] and Seesaw for Room 1.

Meet our Te Puna Ākona whānau

Te puna take 2.mp4

Meet the Le Va Team

Le Va Welcome Video.mp4

Ko te tamaiti te pūtake o te kaupapa

Our Initiatives

Check out our initiatives:

Kahui Ako

Whānau Groups

Te Ara Tika

Our Partners

SWiS (Social Worker in School) – Ko ngā tamariki te iho o a mātou mahi kato  |  Children – the heart of all we do

sKiDs (Safe Kids in Daily Supervision) – before and after school care


Papatoetoe South School has an official enrolment scheme. Go to our enrolment page for details.

Contact us

If you have any queries, comments, messages or questions – we would love to hear from you!

Phone 09 278 5231 or 0800 786 3784

Mobile 027 585 5441

Email [email protected]

What's on at Papatoetoe South School

Empower learners to reach their highest potential whilst standing strong as who they are

Our Values



